Crate sea_orm_macros[][src]

Derive Macros

The DeriveActiveModel derive macro will implement ActiveModelTrait for ActiveModel which provides setters and getters for all active values in the active model.

Models that a user can override

The DeriveColumn derive macro will implement [ColumnTrait] for Columns. It defines the identifier of each column by implementing Iden and IdenStatic. The EnumIter is also derived, allowing iteration over all enum variants.

Derive a column if column names are not in snake-case

Create an Entity

This derive macro is the ‘almighty’ macro which automatically generates Entity, Column, and PrimaryKey from a given Model.

Derive into an active model

The DeriveModel derive macro will implement ModelTrait for Model, which provides setters and getters for all attributes in the mod It also implements FromQueryResult to convert a query result into the corresponding Model.

The DerivePrimaryKey derive macro will implement [PrimaryKeyToColumn] for PrimaryKey which defines tedious mappings between primary keys and columns. The [EnumIter] is also derived, allowing iteration over all enum variants.

The DeriveRelation derive macro will implement RelationTrait for Relation.

Convert a query result into the corresponding Model.